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Trust Yourself

Sometimes it can be hard to know what your path is when there are so many voices overpowering your own. It can be hard to listen to your inner voice. And yet, you know what is best for you and how you can live the happiest and healthiest life for yourself. So why don’t you trust yourself? Sometimes, you need to take a step back and ask ourselves the hard questions: why do I insist on listening to others and letting them call the shots as to my life direction? Why do I let them decide what is best for me? Why am I doubting myself? What is holding me back? Answering these questions will give you some clarity on why you do what you do.

Personally, I feel as though we tend to doubt ourselves because we are afraid of letting others down. We are afraid that our loved ones will be disappointed in us. And I must say, the people in our lives such as family, friends etc. are all very well-intentioned, wise, loving and want the best for us. We couldn't be who we are without them! There is no doubt about that. My friends, they are there to love you and support you every step of the way of your personal journey. However, that is all they can do for you. Ultimately, you are the one who needs to make the big life decisions (and the small ones). You need to forge the life path that will make you the happiest and healthiest person you can be. You are important and what matters to you is important as well!

Making decisions is hard but it needs to be done. Are you an English major and realized that you would rather be a Nurse instead? Make the switch! Yes, it can be scary when you have already put so much work and money into the first major, but it will be worth it, so long as that is what you truly want. And of course, always make sure to do your research. Trusting yourself doesn’t mean you should act impulsively. It just means that you are following your inner voice and allowing it to guide you. Being properly informed will allow you to be more confident in your decision making skills and will empower you to make the best decisions for yourself. The same is true with a career path.

A friend of mine was a business major because she was told that it was the right path for her. It would make her the most successful and therefore happy. She was an accountant for a few years but found the work to be mundane. Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, being trapped inside a building, doing the same work… and it was painfully boring for her. Office jobs work well for people who love routine, predictability and being at a desk all day, but for her it was draining and unsatisfying. The job paid well but the work was not rewarding to her. She dreamed of helping people to overcome their inner battles of anxiety and depression. She wanted to help people work through these issues so that they could lead a happier and healthier life. After much reflection, she quit her job and went back to school to become a therapist and is now living her best life. It wasn’t easy for her. In fact, she was terrified! Despite this, she trusted herself and prevailed!

My friends, whatever your situation may be, whether it is choosing a major, choosing a career path, finding religion, starting a family, finding a place to settle down, travelling the world etc. you need to love yourself enough to trust that you can make the best decisions for yourself. It can be hard to listen to our inner voice. In fact, we often fight it. We need to learn to work with it instead of against it because that voice can lead us to live the happiest life we can live. It can be scary and hard, but that is how we grow into ourselves. My friends, do not doubt yourself. You know what is best for you. You know what your needs and wants are. You can do it! You can live the life you want! Trust yourself and follow your instinct. You are strong! You got this!

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